Friday, June 29, 2007

Stephen King Says...

Here are a few quotes I found that are from the best selling author Stephen King :

Fiction is the truth inside the lie .

God is cruel. Sometimes He makes you live .

I guess when you turn off the main road , you have to be
prepared to see some funny houses .

Only enemies speak the truth ; friends and lovers lie endlessly , caught in the web of duty .

When asked, "How do you write ?" I invariably answer , "one word at a time . "

You can't deny laughter ; when it comes , it plops down on your favorite chair and stays as long as it wants .

1 comment:

  1. I bought the Dark Tower Series and am reading them from scratch! I got as far as book three which is where we stoped. Book two is great and it is good to be able to read the whole thing. I will send it to you when I am done.


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