Sunday, July 29, 2007

It's Here !

Yeah ! It's finally here ! The long awaited box of baby clothes for our very first grandchild .My daughter's in America have tried to send this box of precious presents for their brother's new baby that was born in May since February . They were so excited to learn they were going to be aunts for the first time they rushed out and bought all the baby clothes and toy inventories in a 10 mile radius !

Then came the whole nightmare of getting them here . One special man stepped into the breach and did what no one else would do , he hauled that box of baby things across 3 different continents for a stranger , to give to another stranger . Now that is a real hero ! His name is Tommy . He deserves a medal ! Thank you so much Tommy !

For the full details of the complete story click onto the link below to read what Rosebud wrote on her blog .

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