Thursday, August 9, 2007

A Fantastic Day

This morning was a wonderful time spent with one of Tripoli's icons of beauty , the incomparable Sheila . She has a way about her , our Sheila does , that makes you feel completely pampered when you leave her magical hands . She does things to you that you aren't fully aware of while in her presence .

It isn't just all about getting your hair or whatever done , either . When she gave me my pedicure this morning she messaged my legs .Afterwards they were all tingly , the blood flowing , the aches and pains that have been plaguing me all gone . She listens to all the things that no one else would give you two minutes of their time . She calls you honey , my sweaty , and is so empathetic when you tell her your problems .You couldn't pay anyone else outside of a therapist to listen to them . All the while she is giving you the very best of whatever service you went to her for .

After Sheila's I went in search of a internet card . I found a place that sells them and promptly bought two just so I can reach out and touch you . LOL ! The girl in the store looked at me like I had sprouted two horns when I told her I wanted two . I guess it must seem a extravagance to her ? It isn't to me since they are not always easy to find when you need them the most .

Then I went in search of lunch . That is another of the benefits of going to Sheila's , I don't have to prepare lunch for Moe . I try to go to Sheila's on one Moe's days for the gym . He enjoys going to a sidewalk café for lunch now and then after his work outs . He chats with whoever shows up that day and they catch up on all the latest news .
I have been hungry for one of those burgers that taste a lot like a American burger that you can find here . So , off I went to the burger joint . They have those extra crispy cholesterol laden French Fries that are so yummy . They even have real mustard . Ah , what a lovely treat after days of totally healthy food and good living !!!
Sometimes I get so tired of being good . I have noticed that it takes up a lot of my time and effort , trying to keep my halo on straight ! A day spent in almost total indulgence has gotta be sinful . What a day , I look fantastic , feel smashing , and had a gastronomical feast . Can things get any better than this ?

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