Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Today's Laugh

I had a laugh today when driving past the port in Tripoli .There was the most fantastic sight , a non normal looking ship / yacht ( ? ) docked in port . It was all gleaming white , with four tall masts standing to attention on deck . No sails in sight though . It was a beautiful craft . Of course just the sight of the masts jutting in to the sky was causing traffic to slow down on a usually busy morning commute along the beach road into town .

I was as curious as the next person , so I slowed down in order to gawk , wondering who was in town . Who could possibly own this ship ? It's after the 1st of September celebrations , when most important foreign guest come to the country to pay homage to the Revolution that Col. Khaddafy lead in 1969 . So , who could it be ?

We drove closer toward the ship along the road , all the while keeping the ship in eye sight . Moe and I speculating the whole way who might be on board . It definitely was a private ship . It wasn't the run of the mill cruise ship we get more often now that diplomatic relations with the West have been restored . Nope , it wasn't a Carnival cruise ship that's for sure !

The road curved and the name of the ship was revealed . It wasn't a Carnival cruise ship . It wasn't a rich Greek tycoon's ship either . Nor was it Queen Elizabeth's private yacht , though it was large enough to be hers . You will never guess in a million years , so I will put you out of your misery . Here is when you get to laugh . It was named the CLUB MED 2 .

Club Med as you may or may not know, made a name for it's self in the 70's for offering vacations in exotic locals with all kinds of fun things for it's patrons to choose from while frolicking in a free atmosphere .Things such as nude swimming on nude beaches . Alcohol on demand , as much as a person could drink .Many other things , but that was the draw back then . I had to laugh when I saw the name on the ship , as I thought about this , because you won't find those things here , or as far as I know , you won't . Maybe Club Med has turned a new leaf . They might have matured, grown up , and remembered that those people that partied hardy then in the 70's are older , wiser , and richer with families . Many possibly with grandchildren . So , maybe they are now offering a more cultured itinerary these days and came to see the wonders that Libya has to offer that they would have passed up thirty odd years ago .

Well , with the advent of Club Med on the scene and the new western security camera's that will soon be all over town , I am seriously hoping we will next see a super Wal Mart store , or maybe a Target spring up somewhere in town . Next thing you know I will go to the store and be able to find Secret deodorant ! Oh , oh oh , do you think Este Lauder might be in the cards too ? Progress with a capital " P" my friends !


  1. Love reading your blog - makes me sooo homesick - must admit the idea of seeing a Club Med ship moored in Tripoli would be a sight to see - what a switch. Wonder if they will ever make it 'easy' for Canucks and Americans to visit - would be nice not to have to get a visa. Good luck on WalMart and Estee Lauder - have a feeling they will be a long time coming. Miss you and your humour.

  2. Love reading your blog - makes me sooo homesick - must admit the idea of seeing a Club Med ship moored in Tripoli would be a sight to see - what a switch. Wonder if they will ever make it 'easy' for Canucks and Americans to visit - would be nice not to have to get a visa. Good luck on WalMart and Estee Lauder - have a feeling they will be a long time coming. Miss you and your humour.


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