Saturday, October 6, 2007

I'm Back !

Hi ! I am back on line now after waiting nearly a month for this new ADSL thingy to get connected . That was a major adjustment in my life ... no Internet . Thanks to Khadijateri coming over and connecting me up to the ADSL , showing me how to use the new programs she put on my computer , all kinds of new and exciting things will happen , so stayed tuned .

Ramadan has really kept me in a whorl this year . I have had lots to do , been busy coming and going here , there , and almost everywhere . Moe has kept me pretty busy being his chauffeur . SO ,what with the cooking and all this other stuff going on I didn't miss it too much , yeah right ! LOL ! Once I get caught up with my virtual world I will write more about whats happening in my world .


  1. Now we need to get you a decent keyboard and microphone and you will really be in business....


  2. Glad you are back. Bigger and better. We missed you!


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