Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Winter Is Here !

Winter arrived here two days ago . It made everyone go scrambling for the blankets and the winter clothes . Nice to be able to turn off the air conditioner for a change . It feels so good this cool fall/ winter weather we are having . Everyone has a kick to their step .The air is so fresh now that the rains have washed everything clean of dust from the last year .The sky has cleared . This is the first time most of us can remember it raining so much this early in the fall. It has rained almost as much now as we had all last year . Really great weather . Wish it could stay like this all the time .

We had a death in the family also this week . Mohamed's oldest brother Dr. Ali Benlasher has passed away from a stroke .We are at his funeral all this week. So many people are coming that it makes your head whirl . He was the very first person to graduate with a doctorates degree in all of Libya . He was something of a institution in his own right here in Libya . There was at one time not one person that went to the university here that didn't have him for their Maths Professor . We will miss him so .


  1. wish u would share some of the rain with us. We finally got some but not near enough. I didn't call hemida because I lost her number.I will call soon. Maybe next week. Love u

  2. Dr Ali Benlasher the oldest brother of Mehdi Benlasher. A Dr in maths in libya who has taught many students in libya at universitys. Inshallah ya rab he is resting in peace. Dr Benlasher passed away from two strokes and a spread of cancer. Many people hundreds of people came to the funeral who loved and cared for him. May Allah rest his soul in peace.
    Allahi yerhama we all will miss and love you Dr Ali Benlasher

  3. Dr Ali Benlasher the oldest brother of Mehdi Benlasher. A Dr in maths in libya who has taught many students in libya at universitys. Inshallah ya rab he is resting in peace. Dr Benlasher passed away from two strokes and a spread of cancer. Many people hundreds of people came to the funeral who loved and cared for him. May Allah rest his soul in peace.
    Allahi yerhama we all will miss and love you Dr Ali Benlasher

  4. Ali was survived by his wife of over 40 years , his 4 daughters ,2 sons,1 grandson ,3 sisters ,4 brothers , and numerous other relatives .


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