Sunday, December 30, 2007

New Years Resolutions

At this time of year everyone is talking about making New Years resolutions . How they want a fresh start , a new beginning , a chance to make changes in their lives .I never make New Years resolutions anymore because I discovered I was making unrealistic promises to myself that I was incapable of keeping . Then I would become frustrated with myself, which would lead to depression , SO ....I said the heck with all that !I found these quotes about New Years resolutions on a widget I have on my side bar called "The Daily Stick" .
Thought I would share them with you .

New Years resolutions is something that goes in one year and out the other !

I think in terms of the days resolution , rather than the years . Henry More

To make an end is to make a new beginning . T.S. Eliot

May all your troubles last as long as your resolutions . Joey Adams

Many people look forward to the New Years for a new start on old habits .

So .... Happy New Years to all of you all over the world . May it bring you prosperity , health ,wealth , and most of all , happiness .

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