Tuesday, January 1, 2008

High Cost Of The New Years

If you are a little curious, or even just find astrology vaguely interesting , you will like this link . It tells you exactly what your astrological sign is , not what you have always thought it was . You will be surprised !

We started out our new year here in Tripoli with rain , and more rain . Woke up to find there was a moat all around the Condo . I bet if I looked hard enough it would even have a monster or two swimming around in those murky waters , it is pretty deep out there .

Yesterday I wanted to make calls to family and relatives to wish them all happy new years but couldn't . The phone company wanted money , sigh ! In the past when ever the phone bill was due , the phone company would allow you to call out for a few days after a warning from Fatima Omar ( she is a local famous TV announcer that is now in semi-retirement ) telling you had to pay the bill . If you didn't , after the allotted grace period , they then disabled your out going calls , but you could receive in coming calls . So civilized , right ? But last billing period they just cold turkey cut the phone lines off . I guess there were too many complaints with that method because this time we are getting no pre-warning from Ms. Fatima , no, what happened yesterday when I tried to call anyone was that I received a recording ,and not from sweet Ms. Fatima either , but from some cold impersonal stranger ! "The person you are calling owes money on their phone bill, your call may not be completed . " WOW ! I was so shocked !

I tried 1st this one , then that one , always the same message . I was totally blown away that ALL of Tripoli owed on their phone bills AT The SAME TIME !!! This was a new thing , to cut ALL the Phones at the same time . Usually it is done district by district . What a way to start the new year alright ! Later last night our son called us to wish us a happy new years I realized it was JUST OUR PHONE that was out of working order , we owed the money on the bill , lol , not the whole phone system ! So I am going in the morning to pay the bill ..... if I can get through the moat and no monsters get me !

I also have to pay the annual rent on my mail box that I got this last fall . I am still waiting for a package to come from my daughters but in the mean time , have to keep the rent up on the P.O. box .The sticker on the car has to be renewed this month also . So , this new year is already costing a bunch of money and it is only the 1st day of the month . How many days are in January? LOL ! There is something else that I am forgetting right now . I am sure I will remember soon what it is , or something else will get cut off too ! LOL ! Oh well , here's hoping your new years starts out better than mine !

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