Friday, February 1, 2008

Warp Speed To Space

Did you know that the native Americans ( Indians) have names for the full moons ? They say there is a rock on Mars that looks like a womans body .Click on this link to find all sorts of events that will take place this month in the night sky . Here is a link to the solar and lunar eclipses for 2008 . There is a special prayer in the Quran just for a full solar eclipse .Thats pretty interesting huh ?

If you find any of these above topics fascinating like I do , then you might want to take a look at the Space web sight . They have all sorts of things listed ; space walks , missions in outer space ,meteor near hits to Earth , asteroids , astronomy basics 101 , Images of The Day shots of the Cosmos , among a whole host of other things . Have fun discovering the Universe ! If you scroll ALL the way to the bottom of my blog you will find a map of the starry sky widget . You can click on the widget to change the sky setting to you're location any where in the world .

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