Thursday, March 20, 2008

Merry Spring !

Today March 20 , 2008, is the first day of Spring , which means it is the Spring Equinox . The Norooz which is the Iranian New Years is tomorrow . I think tomorrow is Mother's Day here in Libya also , so be sure and see or call your mom ! Good Friday is tomorrow too .

Many civilizations had, or still have special celebrations on this day .Life in it's many forms were worshiped in all sorts of holy ceremonies around the world . This is also when day and night are supposed to be of equal hours , that's what Equinox means in Latin .... equi( equal) nox (night) . Some say on this day , and only on this day , you can balance an egg on it's end to stand all on it's own . I haven't tried that yet .

And guess what else ? Tonight is the full moon too . Go celebrate life , have a moon dance . Do something crazy to welcome in the Spring ! Go out in the countryside to see the flowers that are all in bloom in a explosion of color . Merry Spring ! Go have some fun !!

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  1. And guess what else ? Tonight is the full moon too . Go celebrate life , have a moon dance .

    Moondance - Michael Bublé

    Van Morrison original song can not be found on youtube

  2. I know , I scoured the Tube in search of Van Morrison singing the Moondance song . Alas this was the best version I found . Can't hardly believe that since it is such a great song .


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