Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Dreary Weather

The weather widget on my blog says it is 21 C , but feels like 27 C at 2:00 a.m. It is predicted to get up to 32 c tomorrow . OMG ! I am NOT ready for it to get hot yet .I had to turn on the air conditioner tonight . Last week we were wearing coats at night .I have to go grocery shopping in this stuff tomorrow . It has been dusty ,miserable , low pressure , cloudy , awful weather for the last 2 day . All last week it was so lovely, clear aired.You could see all the way to Malta , well not really but you get my point . Now you can't see more than 1000 meters . Very Big SIGH !!!!!

The other night we went to a pre engagement party for one of Moe's nieces .It was in my sister in laws home . She is a gracious hostess . She aways goes out of her way to make you feel at home .Many members of the family were there to help celebrate the happy occasion . One cousin was there that is not the most loved person in the family but he was welcomed with open arms by his family .He walked up to me at one point and asked me had I ever thought about dieting ? DUH !!!!!I looked at him for a few minutes thinking and decided that diplomacy would be wasted on him so I instead asked him had he ever considered plastic surgery for his ugly face .He walked off with out a word . Men ... NEVER ASK A WOMAN THAT QUESTION NO MATTER WHAT !!!!! EVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Led Zeppelin "Black Dog"

  2. Steve Martin

    The Jerk


    The Police - Roxanne

    Send him The jerk & Roxanne as gifts to him :-)

  3. More of my all time favs !

    Kashmir / Led Zeppelin

    Find the MTV Unplugged and hear that one ... too fantastic !!!!!!

    Red Rain / Peter Gabriel


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