Sunday, April 20, 2008

My Wish List For Libya

Public acknowledgment that there is a large alcohol and drug problem .

Public acknowledgment that there is a large Aids epidemic in Libya .

Have a public education program in the schools , on TV and radio to raise awareness of these diseases , how to prevent them, and the treatment available if contracted .

Have Aids , alcohol , and drug treatment centers with medicines and counsellings for Aids victims , alcoholics ,drug addicted persons,and their family members readily available to all without fear of any reprisals at a nominal fee , if not free , this is Libya after all , rich oil state.

Have hospitals treat these people as if they were any other patient .

Have treatment for these people that are incarcerated in prisons .

This is the short list for now .


  1. Apparently Amr Khaled is working on this in Egypt, where we have the same problems. No use burying heads in the is ruining the society! And...Hope you don't mind the plug! If you do, feel free to delete. Wish you'd join! Thanks!

  2. "Have a public education program in the schools , on TV and radio to raise awareness of these diseases , how to prevent them, and the treatment available if contracted .

    I think these should be broadcasted on satellite tv to the whole middle east, before aljazeera news and the Egyptian tv series's thats when most people watch .

  3. I think that is a brilliant idea !Just wish something would get done one way or the other . How many more people need to die for lack of educated knowledge or help ?


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