Friday, June 13, 2008

X Ray Vision Now In A Airport Near You

My friend sent an email to me covering a news report of something that until now , only Superman could do ,see through your clothing to what's is underneath , your flesh and blood skin . Yes , that's correct , x ray vision is now at selected USA airports and busy violating your very private parts privacy .This story is all over the web . Here are several links you may read the story your self . How do you feel about this ? What about all those ladies that cover their faces , only to have the rest of their selves exposed to a strangers viewing ? Another good reason to stay put this summer . I wouldn't want to be on view to just anyone !What happened to getting to know each other first ? LOL !

1 comment:

  1. Salam On the Edge,

    What happened to getting to know each other first ? YES! AND, are you they going to call you afterwards? ;-)


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