Thursday, July 3, 2008

Happy Fourth Of July

Happy Fourth Of July !!!!!!

All across America today people are celebrating America's birthday by coming together , having parties , going on picnics , barbecues outside , eating watermelon , homemade ice cream , apple pie , potato salad , and corn on the cob dripping in butter . Home cooked hamburgers , briskets hot off the grill , and hot dogs by the dozens are being devoured by millions of Americans as they relax from playing all sorts of sports , going to parades across America expressing their love and pride of country , enjoying outdoor concerts that feature patriotic music which accumulate in watching fireworks later in the evening . Happy Birthday America !


  1. Happy 4th of July to you. Hope you enjoy your holiday!

  2. Salam On the Edge,
    WOW--I got all patriotic just reading your post. :-)


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