Sunday, August 17, 2008

" Ah , I Forgot "

I am always forgetting stuff . Most times things will come back to me , usually way after I don't need the information , but I mostly remember things is my point . Now read the article below and tell me what you think , ok ? And let me say right now as a statement , I don't dislike Mr. Mc Cain or his mother . After all he is 72 and his mom is 96 and they are liable to forget a few things along the way now and then . All those years , things sorta add up that you have to keep track of and it is only natural that one would forget a thing or two now and then , right ?

McCain and his mother don't recall old lawsuits

By MATTHEW BARAKAT, Associated Press WriterSat Aug 16, 5:50 AM ET

Republican presidential candidate John McCain's divorce was amicable enough that he and his ex-wife jointly brought a lawsuit 10 years later to recover damages for lost mementos, but it wasn't amicable enough to prevent McCain's mother from suing his ex-wife to get back some personal property.

Both lawsuits were settled out of court decades ago and before they went to trial, but records of them are kept in the archives of the city courthouse in Alexandria.

Curiously, although the records clearly list the plaintiffs, McCain's campaign says that the Arizona senator didn't know about or authorize the 1990 lawsuit with his ex-wife, Carol, and that his mother's 1980 lawsuit was filed "unintentionally." And McCain's 96-year-old mother, Roberta, says she never sued Carol.

But others involved dispute those assertions.

In the 1980 lawsuit, filed shortly after John and Carol McCain divorced, Roberta sued Carol to reclaim some personal property, including paintings, a needlepoint screen and a pair of earrings. A settlement was reached in 1981.

But in a brief telephone interview, Roberta denied filing the lawsuit.

"I have never heard of what you're talking about. ... I will put my hand on a Bible," she said, to attest that she had never sued Carol.

Roberta's denial prompted laughter from the ex-daughter-in-law.

"Yes, she sued me," Carol said in a brief phone interview.

Roberta's lawsuit sought personal property she claimed Carol was refusing to return. The disputed items included an "18th century Burmise Buddist Preist (Burmese Buddhist priest)" valued by Roberta at $2,000, and a "Butlers Tray for Liquor" she valued at $225.

McCain campaign spokesman Tucker Bounds said in an e-mail, "Of course, by all accounts the divorce was completely amicable. After John and Carol McCain's divorce, there was apparently some confusion about belongings that were Roberta McCain's but we understand the court papers were unintentionally filed, and the matter never went further in the legal system. It went nowhere, and was of no consequence."

In the 1990 lawsuit, John and Carol McCain jointly sought $1 million in punitive damages after a property management firm mistakenly threw out some McCain family treasures from a garage the McCains shared with an adjacent townhouse. The lost items included letters McCain wrote to his wife as a prisoner of war in Vietnam.

In his e-mail, Bounds said McCain "had no knowledge of the suit: He did not authorize the suit or participate in its filing."

But the lawyer who represented the McCains said she did indeed speak to McCain and get his permission to sue on his behalf.

"You can be sure that I talked to and got the permission of any client who is listed as a plaintiff," said attorney Barbara P. Beach.

It would be a serious violation to file an unauthorized lawsuit, and "I haven't been disbarred yet," Beach said with a laugh.

Beach said she's not surprised, though, that McCain doesn't remember the case. She recalled that Carol was much more deeply involved.

"I don't think it took more than 15 minutes of his time," Beach said. "The fact that they don't remember it doesn't bother me."

The 1990 lawsuit lists five pages of lost property, including autographed pictures of U.S. presidents, Super Bowl programs from every year the game was played and a Chinese Foo dog sculpture.

Some were surely items the family considered priceless: photos of McCain's grandfather alongside Gen. Douglas MacArthur when the Japanese surrendered in World War II, the letters McCain wrote as a POW and the press clippings documenting his release.

Much of the property appears to be memorabilia of Carol's days running the White House Visitors Office under President Reagan, including several dozen wooden Easter eggs from the annual white House Easter Egg Roll, signed by such celebrities as Burt Reynolds and Brooke Shields.

The lawsuit was settled for an undisclosed amount.

According to court papers, when the townhouse next door to the McCains' townhouse changed hands, a property management firm mistakenly threw everything out of the garage, unaware that half the garage belonged to the McCains.

By 1990, only Carol lived in Alexandria, but she and her ex-husband continued to jointly own the property.

The defendants argued the McCains were out of line in seeking punitive damages because there was no evidence anybody acted maliciously.

Darren McKinney, a spokesman for the American Tort Reform Association, said, "Plaintiffs' lawyers will routinely ask for significant damages to try and prompt a settlement."

Carol said she had no interest in discussing details of the two lawsuits.

"What possible difference could it make? It was all 25 years ago," she said. "I wish him well, but I don't talk to reporters."

In his autobiography, McCain has taken responsibility for the breakup of his marriage. Carol was friendly with prominent Republicans and civic leaders, including the Reagans and billionaire H. Ross Perot, who at times treated John McCain coolly after the divorce.


  1. A lot of people move on. They don't dwell on the past; consequently, they forget details.

    If there was no strong emotion attached to the lawsuit, I can accept that it was considered insignificant and in time forgotten.

  2. I think you'll like this :

    I Look Like Jesus, So They Say

    By Jeff Fecke | August 17, 2008

    So, funny story: John McCain goes into Saddleback Church and tells a story about a guard drawing a cross in the sand, back when Jaundiced McNasty was a POW (not that he’s mentioning he’s a POW; we all know how he hates to talk about it). Said story turns out to be lifted from Aleksandr Solzhenitzyn — hey, if you’re gonna steal, steal from the best. McCain has therefore borne false witness about Jesus. I’m not a Christian, but I think that’s a sin.

    But wait, there’s more! McCain also lied about being in the “cone of silence” in Rick Warren’s gigachurch; he was actually on the way to the Church, and could have listened in on the questions asked, but of course, he’d never do that, because he was a POW. Which he really hates to talk about.

    Incidentally when Warren asked about how the “cone of silence” was, McCain did not say, “Well, actually I was stuck in traffic.” Instead, he talked about trying to listen through the walls. That would be at least two lies McCain told, in a house of worship.

    Now, if Barack Obama had been caught making up stories about Jesus and lying about being in the green room, I think it would be wall-to-wall coverage about how we can’t trust the nefarious, dusky Obama. I’m sure we will see similar hand-wringing about McCain’s prevarications, if by “will” you mean “won’t.”

    enjoy wa salaam

  3. to recover damages for lost mementos, but it wasn't amicable enough to prevent McCain's mother from suing his ex-wife to get back some personal property.

    Roberta sued Carol to reclaim some personal property, including paintings, a needlepoint screen and a pair of earrings. A settlement was reached in 1981.

    Roberta's lawsuit sought personal property she claimed Carol was refusing to return. The disputed items included an "18th century Burmise Buddist Preist (Burmese Buddhist priest)" valued by Roberta at $2,000, and a "Butlers Tray for Liquor" she valued at $225.

    Sounds to me the ex mother in law , Roberta didn't want family things staying with some one who was no longer considered " Family " enough to be mad enough to sue to get those things back . That sorta thing no one ever forgets .People remember those things years later and talk about ... Do you remember when so and so thought she could get my "whatever " ? See what I mean , you would remember that , but she is older now and maybe she did forget , but I am SURE he didn't forget this incident since he was sure to have been caught in the middle of the argument between the two women . That's just they way these things work in most families .


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