Saturday, August 23, 2008

Count Down To Ramadan

This is what Moe looked like when he came back home last night after spending all day at the beach with his sister and his brothers and their family's , lol . He was tired out but so happy .

I stayed home to spend the day in the kitchen cooking food to freeze ahead for Ramadan . Ramadan is only a little more than a week away . I think it will start in the 31 of August this year , but will have to see what the moon says .And I still have a appointment with Sheila this week sometime too , OMG , rush , rush , rush .

I am hoping that by cooking as much as possible before hand , I won't be spending ALL my time in the kitchen this year . It remains to be seen and we all know that the road to hell is paved with good intentions huh ?LOL ! Seemed like a good idea at the time . Today I did some more cooking by preparing all the pickled veggies by setting them to start marinating . Tomorrow I hope to finish up with baking the pizzas . I also cooked up the soups too . All this goes into the freezer to be taken out as needed for dinners . Next I have to tackle the house cleaning ...ugh ! I hate that part more than the cooking .

Ramadan is 90% preparation and 10% doing what needs to be done . This isn't the correct way to celebrate Ramadan but it helps to get these things out of the way so you can devote your time to prayer , charitable acts , good deeds , good thoughts , and being good .
Behaving well , being the operative words here . That's why prayer is so good , it keeps you on track when you want to scream at the idiot in front of you at the bakery , the store , in the traffic , moving so slowly when you still have 10,000 things to do for dinner time at sunset . Well , this idiot has to go and do some more stuff for preparing for Ramadan . Bye !


  1. may allah be with you...and kol sana w ente be1000 sa7a w salama...
    ah by the way tell me how do you make the frozen pizza??
    bless you

  2. may allah be with you....and kol sana w ente be1000 sa7a w salama
    by the way how do you make a frozen pizza??
    bless you

  3. may allah be with you....and kol sana w ente be1000 sa7a w salama
    by the way how do you make a frozen pizza??
    bless you

  4. may allah be with you....and kol sana w ente be1000 sa7a w salama
    by the way how do you make a frozen pizza??
    bless you

  5. Oh ramadan coming "happy ramadan" all libya looks same in ths month at least in food behaviour realy i patient 'e our moms in ths month cuz spending all d day in preparing our meal plus fasting state ... Bless allah give all mothers strength 2 pass ths month ... Salam

  6. may allah be with you.. and kol sana w entee be 1000 sa77a w salama
    by the way how do you make a frozen pizza?
    bless you


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