Monday, September 22, 2008

Ramadan Is Almost Over !

Ramadan is almost over . Maybe next Sunday or Monday ? Glade it is nearly finished . This has been the strangest Ramadan for Moe and I . Many of the people we know have also said that it was awful for them too . I can't describe the feeling but it wasn't nice . In the old days we would have said the " Vibes where bad man" !

The weather was bad . The food I cooked was bad . The people were nasty and tried to cheap me on the prices of things just because I was a foreigner . If it was someplace I didn't normally shop , that happened until I told them I was married to a Libyan , but WHY should I have to say that ?

Then the other day when we went to town to buy a few things we had a altercation with a Libyan man that quickly turned nasty and almost violent . He told Moe he couldn't possibly be a Libyan because NO DECENT LIBYAN WOULD MARRY A FOREIGNER WHORE OF A DOG . I was pretty sure Moe would've kill that man if he had been able to get a hold of him , cane or no cane . That left me shaking and Moe muttering for the rest of the day . That was the first time I had seen such naked hatred before here in Libya .

A person actually asked me was I fasting . That is not so shocking by it's self since people are always asking me stupid things like that all the time. I have learned just to ignore those questions , but this man knows me . I just looked at him , shook my head and walked off .

My sometimes sane friend called me all in a panic the other day . She had been reading the Hadiths , the sayings and teachings of the Prophet Mohammed , and in one of them somewhere it talks about Jinns . What upst her was that her husband had not harvested thier dates yet. She became upset when she read in one of the Hadiths that the Jinns eat the date pits . How where the Jinns going to have a thing to eat if her husband didn't harvest the dates so she could throw the pits out side for the Jinns ? And if they don't have anything to eat , then the Jinns would come inside their house and cause them trouble all this coming winter . I had to calm her down and convince her that the Jinns could find plenty of food all over the place since there are only at least 1,000,000,000,000 date trees in Libya . I could tell she had her doubts .

Ok , I will stop my moaning here before you stop reading my blog , but I am very glade this month is almost over ! I sincerely hope your month , whether or not you celebrate Ramadan, was much better than ours . And they say the Devil is locked up in Hell during the month of Ramadan , but I am not too sure about that this year . Evil is a foot .



    What hole did he crawl out of ? I'm suprised he even thought that, half of my neighbors are married to foreigners. Didn't anyone else help your husband out ? He should have gotten a beating!

    "I was married to a Libyan , but WHY should I have to say that ?"

    Well maybe they thought you were a tourist or a rich expat working in a foreign company ? We never had that kind of ripping off before; but the gap between rich and poor is widening and we will probably be picking up many bad traits that were only existant in poorer countries.


    What hole did he crawl out of ? I'm suprised he even thought that, half of my neighbors are married to foreigners. Didn't anyone else help your husband out ? He should have gotten a beating!

    "I was married to a Libyan , but WHY should I have to say that ?"

    Well maybe they thought you were a tourist or a rich expat working in a foreign company ? We never had that kind of ripping off before; but the gap between rich and poor is widening and we will probably be picking up many bad traits that were only existant in poorer countries.

  3. I am very sorry to hear what happened to you with that arrogant man as it is wrong and cheap and not respectable or acceptable

    I like Ramadan and what it brings with it, I know we get hungry and starve and short tempered (lack of coffee or nicotine for smokers) but there is something special about Ramadan that i cant put my finger on

    Fe aman Allah

  4. Salam On the Edge,
    I get the "Vibes are bad man". :0)

    Oh my goodness, although I can believe what you are saying about what the foul man said, I'm still utterly shocked when I hear such stories because I cannot understand what makes humans so vile and stupid. SIGH!

    Certainly the entire year of 2008 has been one that is undescribable as there has so far been countless things that do not seem to fall along the "norm" of life as we know it.

    My perplexion comes from wondering which direction exactly that is because there's been a swing of good and a swing of not good and both seem extreme swings---almost too drastic enough to confidently feel it's going to be one way or another.

    I suppose the best that can be done is to merely hold on---to what I have no clue. ;-)

    The only saving grace is knowing no matter what is happening God is present.

  5. The incident was so shocking that we were just stunned !It was very unusual and I have never been addressed like that in my years here in Libya .I have always felt accepted here for the most part . When I have encountered people that are not too happy with foreigners , after we talk a little , they change their minds and are friendly .

    But the Libyan TV the last couple of nights have been placing a lot of blame on foreigners , their company's too , which I feel are inciting some of these emotions that people not on contact with people like me or my friends would feel . They don't know personally any of us and may never come in contact with a foreigner , so how would they know that what they are hearing is 75% propaganda ?

    I feel that no matter what country you are from , if you are living in one that isn't your home land and you dislike it , then you should definitely leave .That is not my case . This is my home and I am here to stay !

  6. maybe you should have worn hijab or (Farrashia), i'm kidding.
    but, I have noticed that libyans have a great respect toward converters with hijab of course.

  7. you should get yourself a tattoo in the chin, you are tajoria, you gotta have one

  8. Well , I am NOt gonna start to wear the scarf just because some one doesn't have any manners . And as for the Tattoo , lol , I DON'T THINK SO , lol , either !


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