Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Ode To A Turkey

Ode To A Turkey
By Anonymous

It was the night before Thanksgiving and all through our house
No turkey is baking; I feel like a louse ,
For I am all nestled , so snug in my bed ,
I'm not getting up , I'm not baling no bread !

No pies in my oven, no cranberry sauce
Cuz I give the orders and I am the Boss .
When out in the kitchen there arose such a clatter,
I almost got up to see what's the matter .

As I drew in my head and was tossing around
To bed came my husband , he grimaced , he frowned.
And laying his finger aside of his nose ,
He scared me to death , and I thought , "Here he goes" .

He spoke not a word as he threw back my quilt
And the look he gave was intended to wilt .
So up to the ceiling my pillows he threw
I knew I had had it , he face turned blue .

"You prancer , you dodger ,your lazy , you vixen
Out yonder in the kitchen , Thanksgiving your fixing ."
But he heard me explain , with my face in a pout ;
" I'm just plain too tired . We're eating out " !

And this is what has happened this year in our house ! A very Happy Thanksgiving to all that are celebrating !

On The Edge


  1. My kind of poem - love it!!

    Did you write it?

  2. Thank you Meme ! Serena , I found the poem on the internet but no credit as to whom wrote it . I thought it was very cleaver .

  3. Did you have a nice Thanksgiving? We did here--the whole works. We really enjoyed it!

  4. Thanks Eva ! We did , but in Friday instead . I cooked the whole nine yards and Moe and I were miserable !!! LOL ! Glade you had a good one too !


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