Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A Change Of Plans This Year

There has been a change of plans this year at the North Pole . Rudolph and the girls are taking a well earned vacation this year and turning over the reins to Santa's sled to their cousins , The Camel's . Clyde will be the lead camel , sans the famous red nose of Rudolph , pulling the sled with help from his friends Beau , Mercury , and Hercules . These guys have been in special training all year long in preparation for tonight's important event , Christmas Eve . They want to reassure all the children out there that they are up to the job and won't let anyone down . Santa says he has complete confidence in them . Santa wanted everyone to know he has been on a low carbohydrate diet slimming down this year so he can slip down all those chimneys tonight with his bag of goodies for all good children out there . We would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas this year .
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  1. looks like this year santa decided to go with the arabic style..nice
    anyway happy new year dear!

  2. looks like this year santa decided to go with the arabic style...nice
    anyway happy new year dear OTE

  3. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Cute cartoon.

  4. hi
    good luck
    bappy new year
    ur sister
    giral from another time

  5. Happy New Year for you "on the edge" , wish you all the best for you and your family


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