Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Taying In The Wind

Next Monday , Dec. 8 is the Eid Adha for Libya . That doesn't mean it is the same for the rest of the world , since our Ramadans always start a day or two earlier than the rest of the world. Maybe our Eid Adha is like that too ?Anyway , I am hearing all over town that same old thing ; whether or not families will buy a sheep this year or not to slaughter . Some say no , then they hesitate and say erm , maybe they will since it is Sunna to do so . That means it is a command from Allah to slaughter a sheep in honor of the covenant between Allah and Ibrahim . Some say they will do a cow or a camel since the sheep are infected . WHO knows what kind of sheep is being imported from Turkey , they say . I think we will be going to our sons house for the Eid , maybe ? So , it is his problem what to do , yeah !

Moe and I plan on sitting by the phone all day (Dec. 3) since our first granddaughter from our oldest daughter will be born later today . Sophia will make her debut at long last . We are arguing over who will have the highest blood pressure while we wait ! LOL ! Our son in law has instructions to send immediate photos to us after Sophia is born , lol ! Wonder who she will look like ? What a exciting time !

Moe has a new hobby . It is having a new survey map made of our land ever so often. It really doesn't matter to him that we just had this done several months ago . Or that it is already registered .Nope ! It keeps him busy I guess ? Maybe he is hoping that the land GREW since the last time , I don't know !

I have been reading other peoples blogs and came across several that I thought I would mention here .

Potpourri :

Potpourri writes of life adjustments after moving to Libya 6 months ago with her Libyan husband of some years , from her homeland of the Philippines . I find myself remembering many things I had forgotten ( how could that possibly have happened I don't know !! LOL !) that I and many of my friends have gone through as well . Really all foreigner women go through many of the same things whether or not they are American married to a Mexican in Mexico , a Lebanese married to a Syrian in Syria , or a English woman to a man from Timbuktu ! It is never your home , your family , your anything but you try so hard to adapt , to fit in, find your niche , and make that place yours . To be and to be happy . This some of the things she has faced .


Heba has brought to Libyan attention a new national identity card that will be in universal use by 2o10 in her latest blog post .It seems this might take the place of the family book now in use , BUT she DID NOT say so , it is just my assumption here . Anyway , everyone ( Libyan) will be required to have a ID card . If you go to her blog , you may apply for one now on line .

Desert Fences

She is a recent transplant to Riyadh from Pennsylvania , along with her Saudi husband and their six children .She is experiencing homesickness and transplant blues also .

It is just so hard sometimes to be in a constant state of flux or change , as our lives demand from us . All the while trying to stay true to ourselves in side , be a good wife / mother / daughter in law / sister in law / daughter/ superwoman ! AND ADAPT TOO !

Those of you that read Khadijateri's blog know of her trails and tribulation's over the years that she has posted about for a few years now .Even a native Libyan such as My Being Days had adjustments to make when she and her family moved to Libya after living all her life in the UK . There is my oldest daughter , Rosebud that was a transplant to Libya at the age of 15 , then she moved BACK to America 3 years ago . She has had to undergo adapting back to a very different life there ,marriage , PLUS the new baby coming tomorrow ! LOL ! So , as I love to say , ABSOLUTELY NOTHING IS WRITTEN IN STONE . Anything can be changed and on occasion , has been known to actually happen .

Saw a movie once , I think it had Jodi Foster in it ? Maybe ? I watched it with the kids years ago . Jodi played girl that was deaf I seem to remember , but maybe not , lol memory is so subjective after time you know , but this character she played loved to say " Taying in the wind ". It meant ," swaying in the wind" . Or as Kaleidoscope once asked me , " Can you go with the flow "? I thought of "Taying in the wind" when she asked me . I knew I could flow ,and I knew how to go , but most importantly I knew I could "Tay in the wind " .Adapt , adapt , adapt ! Evolution !


  1. Hey On the Edge, I know I've said it before and I will say it again and again, you ARE my inspiration. My paryers will be with Rose bud and yourselves on this exciting day. I wish you all the happiness in the world.

  2. Salam On the Edge,
    Very wise words indeed---and sometimes or maybe often times needs to be repeated. For although so simple in concept we seem to somehow complicate it up and get ourselves all in a tither. "Taying in the wind" is a nice way to remind yourself to regroup and get over yourself...lol

    Congratulations on the soon arriving Sophia. How exciting!

    Good luck Moe on your map surveying. :-)

    Now heading off to check these blogs you shared. ;-)

  3. Its his problem wht 2 do ... LOL bt also ur problem cus who wll eat from da sheep ... I dnt know why libyan man when became older thinking 2 hve land 2 spend his time there " libyan hobby " LOL ... Wish save delivery 2 ur daughter ... Salam

  4. Thank you all ! Sophia came. She and her mother are both doing well ! Moe is very happy with his maps and things , lol .Abdullah ... still waiting to see what our son is up to , lol with the sheep .


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