Monday, December 8, 2008

Wishing You A Happy Eid Adha

Wishing all that celebrate the Eid Adha a very lovely holiday with your families and friends .


  1. Hope you and Mohamed and family have a wonderful Eid!

  2. EID mubarik to you and your family

  3. may the blessings of allah fill your life with happiness and open all the doors of success now and always...3id mubarak

  4. may the blessings of allah fill your life with happiness and open all the doors of success now and always...3id mubarak

  5. Eid Mubarak to on the edge family

  6. Happy Eid to you, but I hate to say it that the picture which supposed to be the prophet Ibrahim and his son Ismail "alyhom afdel alsalam" should not be displayed as it is classified as a blasphemy, there are no images of prophets in Islam, unlike other faiths, salam.

  7. Asalom Alai Kom Ukhti,

    Eid Mubarook to you and your family......en sha ALlah the 'new addition' is doin well?

    Ma Saloma,
    Khedegah xxxx

  8. KhedegahMc ... Thanks for the Eid wishes !! I ave tried so many times to post a comment on ur blog but can't get the letters to display in order to continue the comment . Sorry . Love your posts !


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