Sunday, February 22, 2009

Hello !

I'm BACK !!!! I was off line so long due in part to LTT internet company here in Libya . SIGHING GOING ON HERE ! First it was money they were wanting , again , with the money ! Then it was the delay of the internet being reconnected , that 2 to 3 day delay we sometime experience with LTT service . Then after waiting THAT time period out ... I still couldn't sign in ! Oh NO ! Oh Yes ! So , I called the service people , and that was a ordeal all in it's self , let me tell you . I gave up on that and called my server instead and they were very prompt in their service .

BUT here too, I ran into a problem. Language , to be specific , English. I was being told my user name and password was invalid ,urgh !!!!! I called them and spoke to a very nice man and he told me he would reset my user name and password for me . Just SPELL out to him my user name and the password . Ok .Easy , correct ? NOOOOO !First there was the letter " E" . He thought i was saying the letter "A" instead of the "E" . That took a few minutes to get across to him . I guess it is my strong southern accent , lol ! Then I it was the letter "B" , sigh ! OMG ! "B" as in BOY , not "V" ! No , "B" ! NOT "P" ! Yes "B". What ? No , no not "P" ! I start to mutter under my breath , which really didn't help matters any , lol . Then eventually he got the "B" . Yeah ! We moved on to "S" .I won't go into too much on that letter, but in the end I told him it sounded like SH_T ! Then he got it !

That was Thursday . He told me to wait for 5 minutes and it would work . Ah , sweet little promises ! I ran and fixed a HOT cup of coffee to drink while I wrote . I got the chair all ready .Hooked up all the wires . Punched all the buttons . Sat in eager anticipation . Tick tock went the clock .TIME ! I logged in and ... It didn't work !!!!! Same old message , your user name and or password is invalid ! I saw RED !

By this time it was too late to do anything but wait for the week end to pass . I would go down there in person on Sunday .So , imagine my surprise when just for chuckles and grins , I signed in BEFORE I went to the office this morning and found YOU , my friends ,just waiting for me to come on line .

Oh Happy Days are here again ! I was going through withdraw this past week . Moe commented last night that I looked so sad with out the computer to use , lol .It is amazing how much I depend on the computer for so much of my information and to stay in touch with family and friends .I feel so much better now .Thank you Dear Internet people !

I have had adventures while I was on a vacation and will write all about that soon . There will be a few pictures too .Anticipation ......


  1. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh welcome back sweety!

  2. Now i understand why I haven't seen your blog... LOL

    I'll never laugh at our Brazilian service again, there is always someone worse off.


  3. If only we could get the importance of the 3 World across to 1st World leaders , things will be all that much better for people like you and me , A.V. !
    See how important the 3 World is to the 1st ? Some one is always worse off , and it is usually the 3rd World people . We are a public service ! LOL !We make the 1st World feel good !


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