Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Zukara And The Bride

This a Libyan band that plays for special occasions .It is called a Zukara . They play and sing songs . There are drums and bagpipes that are played while the musicians either twirl around and / or dance as they play . They played for us for AT least 30 minutes while we looked on clapping and cheering them for even more ! It was a real privilege to see them as normally they don't enter a building where the women are , electing to play for them from outside , as the women listen from indoors . Also , they will charge BY THE SONG ,which price is expensive , therefore they don't normally play too many songs .This day we heard song after song . As they played , different women from the group I was with , would tuck money into their hats or belts , sometimes even throwing money literally at their feet . They LOVED that , lol ! You can get a feel of the motion of their music by the movement in the pictures .

This Libyan girl is dressed as a bride in Libyan national dress . She is the sister of Howida , our hostess for the Yefern trip . See how lovely she is ? Mashallah !!!
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  1. hi dear Mrs.Moe
    thank u 4 sharing us your dairy.i like the way of your writing.
    i just have one comment,if u don`t mind.
    did u take the permission from the bride to publish her photo?
    if i were her,i`ll never agree about publishing my wedding picture..
    in the end of the day ,it`s a private issue.
    thank u again.
    may Allah keep u all to each other.

  2. It looks like you had a great time. What a privilege to see that.

  3. Dear Libyan Lady ..... " Our hostesses sister dressed up as a Libyan bride in traditional dress ." That means she was a part of the entertainment show presented to us . She posed with anyone , or everyone that wanted to take her picture .

  4. OTE, first time I have seen traditional costume from Libya, you are right, she is beautiful.

    I can't believe the number of posts I have missed from your blog... I have some catching up to do.



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