Sunday, March 29, 2009

My Taziri, My Love

My Taziri , My Love

Sailing on high through a starry night ,
With her fleet of cloudy galleons
Is Taziri , my Queen .
Do you hear ,my lovely Queen?
The winds and the tides ,
your earthly slaves ,
Are singing now, A song in your praise .

Oh Taziri , say you"ll be mine,
And give me your love
Till the end of Time .
Take my heart and my hand,
They're yours to command,
Forever your Champion
I swear I will stand .
Oh Taziri, my Taziri, my Love .

By Om Taziri
March18, 2009
Tripoli , Libya

The word "Taziri" is Berber for full moon and is also a girls name .


  1. Really loved this poem when my friend, who wrote it, read it to me !! Had to post it . Hope you loved it too . OTE

  2. Beautiful...just beautiful

  3. Azul
    thank you mother for writing this poem and thank you aunt Sydney for posting it . Love always Taziri

  4. Azul
    thank you mother for writing this poem and thank you aunt Sydney for posting it . Love always Taziri


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