Thursday, April 9, 2009

Maxine Says

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  1. I love them they are so funny all of them!

  2. * I believe that if you looked inside yourself, you will find answer to questions your afraid to ask.
    * I believe that perfect act of love is sacrifice.
    * I believe that a smile can speak for itself.
    * I believe in chasing whatever you desire.
    * I believe that cheating is a recipe for disaster.
    * I believe that good bye isn't easy, but sometime it's necessary.
    * I believe that a moment can change a million after it.
    * I believe that impossible to hate the one who tough you how to love.
    * I believe that when it's all gone, there is only God...

  3. Good thoughts . I wonder what Maxine would say ?

  4. I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEE MAXINE! Can always count on Maxine to shed some light on any subject.

  5. OTE, truly philosophical...



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