Monday, April 13, 2009

Patches , Le Chat !

The cat went in heat 2 weeks ago . She was yowling one night so bad I stayed up to shush her up so the neighbors wouldn't complain . I KNOW.... I should have her spade but I am afraid to do it here since I once lost a loved puppy due to a wrong injection given to it and said never again . We never let our cat outside , never.... ok ? No chance of baby's .

Moe and I had been out and was huffing and puffing up the stairs when the two busy bodies in the building were standing in their door way, stopped me to chit chat . One lady asked me was my cat still alive . She is 10 years old now . I told them yes . Then the other lady asked me did she go out side ? I said No NEVER ! She said to me I am sure I heard her outside last night in the hall of the building . I looked her right in the eye and said NO! Not my cat ! She is strictly a indoor cat !

We talked a little bit more to be polite, since the real reason they stopped me was to ask about the cat , then I went on to our apartment . The minute I opened the door , Patches , our cat , starts to meow as loud as she can ! LOL ! I slammed the door shut hoping against all hope that the neighbors didn't hear her !! Oh well , I guess the cat's outta the bag ! Hahahahha , get it ? LOL !


  1. Sweet Patches. I never heard her meow when I was there.

  2. I had a cat my first time a couple of years back and I never could imagine how loud they can be when they are in heat, third night I could not stand it and off she went to the vet.
    Just hang in there!

  3. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL! You are brave to endure that horrific sound. I recall as a kid our cat went into heat-----ONCE----and it was nearly unbearable for all. I'm assuming even for the cat. Thank God that doesn't happen to humans that I know of.....LOL

  4. LOL..
    so funny !
    I was never a cat person when the kids were young. Now that they're older I have become to like their company. I have a Siamese male named Michou(ch as in chair) he is great ! You gave me an idea to post about him . Thanks.

  5. depending on da size !!

    iam nt fans 2 cats bt like 2 watch it playing LOL

    yowling yowling yowling = hungry or sick
    hehehe ...

    salam ...


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