Saturday, April 4, 2009

Rain Chasers

Today was a treat . Moe and I were sitting around the Condo BORED out of our minds doing nothing . He was sniffling from his cold , me, I was just wanting to go take a nap.I was staring out the balcony doors at some gun metal steel grey storm clouds roiling in from the sea . The BBC had predicted we would have possible rain over the next day .... MAYBE ! I got excited thinking we might actually get some rain when I spied the clouds but didn't have my hopes up since we had heard this all before . It looked like we might get that rain after all .

I asked Moe did he want to go to the beach and have a sandwich sitting in the car and watch the clouds roll in . Of course that was a stupid question ! He said yeah ! Off we went to the beach . We stopped got sandwiches and coffee then drove over to the beach which was deserted .We had prime parking choice .

We sat eating sandwiches watching the clouds move in to land from the sea . The ships at sea were heading for the port in town to avoid the storm .We could see in the distance the different parts of Tripoli that were getting the rain . The clouds were moving in land toward the farms deep inside the country side where they need the rain . It was thrilling to watch .

I had my eye on one blue black cloud that was dumping a ton of rain as it moved in our direction from the sea . I was anticipating the rain falling on us in the car . The sound , the smell but it never happened . It stopped raining just as it reached the THE EDGE of the sea shore ! I was soooo disappointed !

I had a brain child . We would drive toward the rain and follow it on it's journey to the inland farms .Off we went on our adventure of rain chasing . At first I was afraid we had left it too long and the rain was too far ahead of us to catch up with it . Plenty of clouds but no rain .

Then a drop or two of water hit the windshield .OK ! We drove further . Then it was sprinkling off and on . Now we were in the farm areas outside of town .All of the sudden the sky poured down lovely sparkling dancing rain .We opened the windows and let it come in the car . It felt so wonderful ! Cool , satiny smooth against our warm skin .

Sanity entered the picture and we had to close the windows , we were getting drowned , lol .We drove all over the country smelling the rain as it moisturized the parched the earth . We drove around for a hour or so following the rain where ever it went , not caring where we went . What a day ! The picture above is sorta what the clouds looked like . Just imagine that coming off the sea towards you and then you know what we saw today .Wish you could have been with us .


  1. Salam,

    I love the rain aswell....but not the drizzly , Misty rain we get here usually....But the heavy pounding rain. Its hard for me to imagine, that I will be living in a country,en sha Allah, where rain is a ''novelty'', as opposed to a daily occurrance. You know last summer we only had two days when it didn't rain....of course I loved it, Alhomdolelah !!!!!!

    You describe it so well, mashAllah sis....''Cool , satiny smooth against our warm skin .'' I could feel it!!!!!

  2. I love the rain but from my window!

  3. I wish I was there with how you love an adventure!

  4. i miss that kind of adventure...perhaps when my boys are older...but oh last saturday we had fun walking under the rain, just as we finished touring the zoo. it was wonderful. i love rain.

  5. Rain brings with it a clean, refreshing feeling. I think I will become a rain chaser and join you!

  6. Oooooooh that sounds sooo wonderful--an absolutely great day! I can actually smell the sea and rain and the wet dirt...ohhhhhhh I miss all that so much. I really seriously miss that. I dont like being in Cairo AT ALL! Wish I was up on the Med. But I'm so glad you got to enjoy it--you and Moe!

  7. Salam On the Edge,

    A great adventure indeed.

  8. wonderful to have a decent and understanding husband that wants to share your adventures with !May Allah bless you both ....


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