Friday, April 3, 2009

Strang Going On's At The Condo

Things have taken a strange twist around the Condo this last week or two .Things on the " To Do List" have been getting done. Moe took the car last week to have a few of it's more noticeable dents and dings knocked out of it . While they were at it they put the bumpers back where they belong , that was pretty nice PLUS he FINALLY got new wing or side door mirrors on the car to replace the ones that got smashed off that time the big truck tried to do what all women do when they wear tight clothes , squeeze into a small space not made for a large object!

As if that wasn't enough to win my undying love forever , he took it a couple of days ago and got the AC fixed too ! AND the oil changed !The guy that worked on the car made a bold decision all on his own and took it to be washed too . I think my car might have a attitude problem now it looks like a new car again !It wants to SPEED ... fast! And it honks it's own horn at handsome little red sports cars without my permission . What am I gonna do with Her ?

The mechanic told Moe the reason the AC didn't want to work wasn't because it was afraid of catching cold and dying , but that a rat had crawled up inside the AC unit motor sometime in the past and DIED !Now we know what that smell was !Phewwww !OMG ! Can you imagine ?I really should drive more often huh ?

The windows are so clean that I can now see the other drivers in the new mirrors! And that is something else ..... I have had to teach myself how to drive with out "swivel head" .You know , when you are constantly swiveling your head around to see what is coming at you from either side behind the car . SO wierd !I had forgotten what that was like , to just be able to look in a mirror to see stuff . AMAZING !!

Next on the list is to take the computer to the" fix it place" and have them find out where the sound went .And yes , I did and so did Khadijateri, check the sound boards and what nots .No sound . I have all sorts of things that are just waiting for that to be fixed so I can listen to them .I keep putting it off , since it means I will be sans computer for a while . Just the thought makes me shudder .I guess that falls into the catagory of " do what you gotta do " .Hate that catagory . It usualy means something not too pleasant will be happening to me .Only one way to find out , just go do it !


  1. as usual, your posts/updates are a pleasure to read, good luck with the computer :o)

  2. I'm glad you got your car fixed! That is so gross about the rat in your car. That happened to me with a kitten. It was tragic.

  3. Salams Sis,

    MashAllah re good is that. A dead rat ewwwwww......

    Ahhhhhhh how long will you be without a computer???? Yours is the first blog I read everyday....what will I DO hehehehehe....en sha Allah things keep on getting fixed ;)

    Ma Saloma,
    Khedegah Mc

  4. I have managed to talk myself out of taking the computer to the Fix It Place ... so far . Don't know when I will work up my nerve to do it but I am thinking soon since Rose Bud is threatening me If I don't , lol . She wants to talk . Imagine a daughter wanting to talk to her mom , lol ! So , we will see but will let you know 1st , ok ? Take care KhedegahMc ! When is Hubby coming ?

  5. i lost my car's key and i need to repair it, but didn't find ...

  6. Ah Alhomdolelah, we get to have you for another reprieve hahahhahahaha....

    En sha Allah, H. should be here next Sunday. All things going to plan. But Alas, it will only be a short visit, as the visa office messed up our plans, and he has to go back to work. But Alhomdolelah I get him for a whole 14 days en sha Allah.....I feel

    But en sha Allah in a few months I will be going to him.........of course will keep you posted.

    Khedegah xxxx

  7. LOL@ "the fix it place"! Of course that's what's it called, doesnt everyone know that???


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