Saturday, May 2, 2009


Haroun 23 months old . How he has grown huh ? This month he will be 2 years old , wow ! Doesn't he look tough !And those big big brown eyes , oh my !

Sophia is now 5 months . Isn't she a cutie ? Look at that smile ! She has blue eyes that twinkle !

Gail will be 9 months this month , already ? OMG ! What big blue eyes she has too ! And that smile ! A real flirt , huh ?

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  1. no things are wonderful as they are...

  2. Awwwwwwwwwww how cute! What precious babies! I like Haroun's tough guy look---don't mess with him. :-)

    Sophia----what a beautiful smile, mashallah.

    And what a beauty Gail is. The innocence in all their eyes is what draws us to them.

  3. Thanks ! I love them sooooo much ! Proud Grad Mother !

  4. السلام عليكم

    ما شاء الله

    عجبونى على الاخر

    ربى يحفظهم


  5. am I the only one having problems on your blog?

    I keep trying to comment but the page keeps crashing!!

    just meant to say, MashaAllah the children are so cute, may Allah bless them :o)

  6. MashaAllah the children are so cute, may Allah bless them :o)

  7. My fairy god mother how are you? I hope you and your family are in best of health and doing well

    Masha Allah and rabee Aysoon :)

    Fe Aman Allah

  8. Aw Akak ! So good to hear from you again !!! We are doing well , Thanks . How are you ??? Write again soon !OTE


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