Thursday, August 13, 2009

At My Age....

This is so totally ME !!!! Scary !


  1. My fairy godmother

    A young "bird" like you never ages

    Hope you & ur family are doing well :) ... sorry i dont reply much but i am back at Libya so less time online

    Fe Aman Allah

  2. loool this is soo funny ..I know I shouldnt laugh..but it is funny :o)

  3. A_AKA .... so great to hear from you again ! Always a pleasure !!!So , from your comment , I take you are hard at work . Remember all work and no travel ( in your case lol ) will make you bored ! Have a good Ramadan!

    Weldemdina ....Laugh ! It will happen to you one day too , lol !Moe says that my memory works just fine ... when it comes to ALL the Things he wishes I would forget , lol !Peace out ! OTE


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