Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Adds And Ends News

Here are a couple of news stories I came across today that made me laugh .......

Conn. man advertises parents on Craigslist

MADISON, Conn. – A Connecticut man put his parents up for sale on Craigslist as a joke to pass the time on a rainy weekend.
Michael Amatrudo, a 51-year-old Madison resident and insurance executive, says in the ad that he's gotten "lots of use out of these guys over the past 50 years, but it's time to move on." He says he'll take $155 or a trade for a younger set of parents, an Erector set or a "hot blonde."
Amatrudo says he's gotten dozens of responses from around the country, including inquiries about who would pay the shipping cost and how many days it would take to receive them.
He says his parents, Ed and Arlene Amatrudo of Noank, have a good sense of humor and took the ad in stride.
Information from: WVIT-TV, http://www.nbc30.com
I can just imagine one of my kids doing this !

Blame Wikipedia on men...

Apparently only 13 percent of Wikipedia’s contributors are women, according to a just-released survey of users. What does that mean? Well, that dudes like disseminating possibly erroneous information while looking super authoritative. The November survey of 175,000 “valid” users, conducted by the Wikimedia Foundation, also found that said users are mostly in their 20s, they like “sharing knowledge,” and they tend toward scientific and technical entries. (Of course, it must be noted in surveys like this that the folks most likely to respond aren’t necessarily representative of the whole, but hey, we’ll go with it for discussion purposes.)
So do you mess with — ahem, contribute to Wikipedia entries, PopWatchers? What makes you decide to “share knowledge” with the Internets?
More than likely it IS men , since WOMEN are far too busy doing all the things men don't want to do ! LOL !
Peace out , OTE

1 comment:

  1. I wouldnt be at all surprised if my kids put me up for sale for real--lolol!


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