Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Breast Cancer Month Click For Life

This month is  Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It is also Internation Breast Cancer Month world wide .In the spirit of helping more women become aware of breast cancer I am posting a link to the Breast Cancer Site .Please click so that a woman can receive a free mammogram .Spread the word to others as well . 
Every Year , more than 40,000 women die from breast cancer in the US alone . You have the power to save lives .Click daily to help. Every two minutes a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer. Although mammograms are among the best methods of early detection, 13 million US women 40 years old or older have never had a mammogram in their lives .With a simple daily click on the pink button below you can help fund a free mammogram for a woman in need. It cost you nothing ! Site sponsors fund the mammograms your clicks provide 100% of sponsor funding is given to te non profit National Breast Cancer Foundation . Founded by a 25-year breast cancer survivor ,NBAF seeks to increase awareness through education and provide mammograms to homeless, working poor ,and uninsured women who would not otherwise have access to this lifesaving screening . Early detection is our best protection ! When breast cancer is found early, the 5 year survival rate is 96% . Click today and every day to save a life .

The Breast Cancer Site

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