Sunday, November 8, 2009

Hitting The Nail On The Head

I received this today in a e mail . Thought it was interesting to see art in a unexpected medium , nails .Nails used as a art form isn't  something one would expect to see , but here it is . See what you think . This comes to from the Arabic web site AbuNawaf .Sorry I don't know the artist name . He is very talented , don't you think ?


  1. Could you please provide the link to the original article on I went there but could not find it.


  2. salam.

    Its not just an art its... wow...
    Its great... I wonder how much time it took ? can you see the pic that he is looking to his nails from closer… I wonder how he managed to know witch one to be lower than the other and how many nails he had to use and hit each one of them many times to be in place 
    Wow really and the result is just wow...

    Thank you for shearing it :)


  3. So nice to have someone else thinking like me . I had all those questions also .I loved the texture , shine of the nails and the movement he makes you feel in the picture .

  4. Hannu , I went to the web site for that reason and couldn't find the link either . That's why i posted the web site . Sorry .

  5. That IS amazing.A lot of love and care was put into it.

  6. who is this artist? I must know! He's amazing!

  7. Saimir Strati is an Albanian artist who is regarded as one of the world’s most well known modern mosaic artists. He has used materials including nails, toothpicks, corks, sea glass, eggshells, compact discs, coffee beans, porcelain and mirror glass among other materials. He is also a painter.

    In 2006, Strati began what has seemingly become an annual tradition of setting a Guinness World Record. Using industrial nails, the artist re-created the self portrait of Leonardo Da Vinci using nearly 400 kilos of nails over a 2x4m surface. The technique resembles digital photography, in that each nail represents a pixel. The record was confirmed in Tirana by Guinness World Records on September 4, 2006, as the World’s Largest Nail Mosaic. -

    His site:


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