Saturday, February 6, 2010

Good Bye Khadija

She opened the door.

Khadija we will miss your love, your smiles,your gentle ways.Your loyalty so steadfast and true. There is a gaping hole in the Universe where you once were .You are with Allah and at rest, free from pain at last .Good Bye dear friend . 


  1. god!! you know khadeja too?
    i know her daughter and today i got the news....god bless her soul

  2. Ciao Khadija.
    Ti aspetto su facebook: Oreste Proietti.

  3. Moe and I have known Khadija and her husband for over 35 years . Here and in The States .Miss her already ! I went today to see the girls .They are holding up .

  4. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله

    لم انتبه للحظة الاولى انها مس غومة السيدة خديجة ...رحم الله روحها واسكنها فسيح الجنان فى الفردوس الاعلى

    لى معك ذكريات لا تنسى والى الابد

  5. Hello, it is very important for me to get in touch with Dr. Ghuma. I have been trying for many years and have not been able. I regret that it has to be under these circumstances but I have a feeling he will want to establish contact. Please someone write me at any time of the night or day. I will answer forthwith. Thank you.


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