Sunday, February 21, 2010

Just Daydreaming And ....

I was just laying here , day dreaming , wondering .... what attracts some one to another person of the opposite sex ? Is it their sense of humor, OR their intelligence ? Which is it with you ? I'll tell if you will.

painting by Michael Parks , " Hangman Daydream"


  1. Salam On the Edge,
    Beautiful picture.

    Hmmmm, for me it would definitely be what I see in someone's eyes. Their sense of humor and intelligence is very important, but their moral and spiritual fiber would top the list. Although one doesn't truly know the depth of either of these (moral or spiritual values) except with the passing of time.

    Now your turn. :-)

  2. hi habibty,

    For me it is very difficult to say ,but id be have to agree with ibeebarbie.the eyes say a lot about a person....

  3. Yes , the eyes get me... hook , line , and sinker ever time ! LOL ! But then so does a good intelligent sense of humor , sigh , what to do ???


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