Saturday, April 17, 2010

Pure Joy !

This is the face of pure JOY ! Gail driving the 4 wheeler on Easter Sunday . She is 21 months now .Looks like she will be a dare devil ,huh ?
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  1. Salam OTE,

    MashAllah she is beautiful...qww so cute.

  2. looks just like her grandmother!

    Masha'allah! She's beautiful!

  3. mashalla..she's so cute!
    BTW does she look like her father or her mother?

  4. Amazingly to me ... all of the granddaughters all look like their fathers and the grandsons favor their moms side of the family . None of them look like Moe or me , lol , or any of our kids .

  5. Teri thanks ,but you are not EVEN close . She is the spitting image of her daddy .


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