Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Reconnection

Facebook is all about reconnection of old friends you thought might have been long lost . Here is a poster that expresses this sentiment so well !


  1. Salam OTE,

    THANK YOU for making me laugh....You always manage to do it. Be it email or blog. YOU HAVE A GIFT......

    I loved ''Momma hes looking at me'' Does every child say that...I remember I did LOL my poor Mum hehehee.

    Yeah ...tomorrow is ''No housework day'' I just have to do double today LOL.

    Ma Saloma
    K xxxx

  2. Yeah , I think ALL kids say that All over the world , lol .

    I celebrated No Housework Day too , yesterday . I only did what I absolutely thought i had too . But around midnight , I got out the dust clothes and the vacuum cleaner , lol , I couldn't stand the dust . I guess I am a BIT OCCD, lol .


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