Friday, May 7, 2010

Why remember May 4, 1970?

 May 4 , 1970 ................................... May 4, 2010.......................

 What has changed ? Not much . We are fighting in countries that never sent their army's to fight in our countries. We have sent our armed forces,who are comprised of our children and grandchildren , to fight in their countries . Just as in Veit Nam 40 years ago, we are  fighting a war. This time on two fronts , Afghanistan and Iraq. Our kids , their kids, our lives , their lives, irrevocable changed forever by war.Too many lives lost ....forever. How is this possible ? Will it take another Kent State to stop the insanity ?

1 comment:

  1. I'm completely with you on this, Sydney. I can't believe that was forty years ago. And we're in the same mess we were in then--maybe even worse, although God knows I hope I'm wrong.


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