Friday, June 18, 2010

Rainbow Time

60seconds - 1 minute

 60 minutes = 1 hour

24 hours - 1 day

7 days = 1 week

52 weeks = 1 year 

39 years = years of :

Love and hate , joy and sorrow , happiness and sadness, wealth and poverty , health and illness, laughter and tears, long conversations and silence , hands held in crisis, standing side by side in strength , understanding one another, talking with out one word said aloud, knowing no one loves loves you the way I do . 
Happy Anniversary Mohamed !

painting by  Rane Lavita :" Rainbow Mosaic"


  1. How wonderful! Happy Anniversary to you and Moe! Living together for 39 years without killing each other is a big accomplishment :-)

  2. LOL ! Who says we didn't try to kill one another ? LOL !

  3. How lovely what you wrote my lady. When I get married and after 40 years of marrage , hope my wife would tell me something like this.

    Thats what makes life quality soo good.

  4. Dr, X thank you. I am sure that when you marry ,if you respect your wife and show her consideration .. along with your love , she will return it all to you, with her heart .Even after 39 years .

    And yes Moe and I have really been married that long . Not only did we marry each other once in the US in a civil ceremony , but we did it all over again in an Islamic ceremony just to show the world how much we loved one another and were committed to the marriage .So , we are twice married .


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