Friday, June 11, 2010

The World Cup 2010

Yep ! It is that time again . The World Cup starts tomorrow Friday June 11, 2010 in South Africa .Moe has already informed me that the TV is all HIS starting tomorrow . I am not even to think about watching any shows of mine that are on the same time as any of the games . It is a good thing I like football/soccer !Here is the official World Cup FIFA  2010 web site with schedules , stats ,predictions , and interviews .
Yeah football ! Oh , and here is another treat ..... Shakira has a new video made just for the world cup and Africa called "Waka Waka " This Time For Africa ". See what you think about her new song and her new look below .

I'm glade he has this distraction , as long as it takes his mind off the place where his tooth once resided . He had it pulled yesterday and has turned into a invalid needing my ever attention . I ask him does he have pain and he says no , but the next breath he breathes is can you make me this , or can you get me that , as he lays on the couch moaning . LOL ! Come on World Cup !

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