Saturday, July 10, 2010

Moe's New Ride

Yesterday was Friday , which is like a Saturday for the Western world ,in other words , our day of rest . Moe and I did nothing much . We slept late .We had a late lunch . Relaxed just watching TV . Later we decided we would go for our weekly Friday ride into town to cheek things out .

I brought along our camera ... just in case I saw something worth showing you .I did see a lovely purple house with a purple wall around it but Moe wouldn't let me take a picture of it . So , I will have to do that some other day when I am out on my own .

We stopped  to sample the coffee at several coffee bars that  are everywhere .Some where pretty good and some where just ok. But no matter where we went , we drew stares .At first I thought it was because of Moe's driving our new motorcycle , but then I decided it was because we made such a cute couple .Anyway , we got some one to take our picture and I thought you would like to see for yourself how cute we looked .

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