Saturday, August 21, 2010

Anti-Semitism Is Alive And Well In The USA


Anti-Semitism is alive and well in the USA ...... is this the face of a new Neo Nazis or just the Righteous Right Wing Republicans ? The target ... Muslims , Islam in particular ,anything associated with Islam. The USA has legal freedom of religion but it seems only for the Jews and Christians now a days .Islamic dress ,Islamic TV , Islamic charity, Qurans , mosques ,prayer meetings are all under attack by these mad dogs calling themselves the Face Of America . I , as a American and a Muslim refuse to believe that my country is willing to throw out the basic right that was the founding stone of the formation of America , the freedom to practice your own religion regardless of what it may be .

America needs to wake up and smell the coffee , realize it is being manipulated by a few " special interest "groups that are hiding their true intent behind the cover of misguided patriotism . Who are they? As the Internal Revenue Agency in America always says ... " follow the money trail " and then you will find that answer .Who is financing these attacks against Islam ?Who has a vested interest in seeing it destroyed ?Who stands to benefit ?

 Ask yourself  the next time you see or hear some one slamming a religion, why ? Why are they so afraid ?Do they really have all the correct facts ? Not all religions are the same.Not all members that belong to a religion practices it the way it was meant to be practiced .In EVERY religion you will find the good , the misguided , and the bad. 

Think people , think for yourself . Don't follow blindly behind anyone elses thinking , that way leads to holocausts and ethicnic cleansing ." Read" , this was the 1st commandment God gave to Mohammed ; by it , He was telling Mohammed to think . You think too .


  1. History's pages are filled with tragic episodes of the "righteous" oppressing minorities. Oppressors have long existed under many labels, including both Christian and Muslim.

    Note that Jesus did not teach or practice this - read the Sermon on the Mount for details (Matt. 5-7, 5:43-47 in particular).

    All that said, followers of Islam have a burden to demonstrate ethical citizenship in light of 9-11. I realize this may seem unfair, but people tend to remember recent history better than the Crusades...

  2. History's pages are filled with tragic episodes of the "righteous" oppressing minorities. Oppressors have long existed under many labels, including both Christian and Muslim.

    Note that Jesus did not teach or practice this - read the Sermon on the Mount for details (Matt. 5-7, 5:43-47 in particular).

    All that said, followers of Islam have a burden to demonstrate ethical citizenship in light of 9-11. I realize this may seem unfair, but people tend to remember recent history better than the Crusades...

  3. No,Jesus was a pacifist.He didn't teach,endorse,or advocate violence of any sort .,i.e. " turn the other check" philosophy .I don't believe I said He did .

    Your statement:"followers of Islam have a burden to demonstrate ethical citizenship"makes me wonder WHY ?
    Did the Native American Indian make the White Man prove he was a good citizen after invading his land and stealing it ? I am sure they STILL think about it and wonder to this very day.Or the African slaves forced into slavery in America . Did they insist,after the Civil War the White Man prove he was a responsible citizen after enslaving them.After all , they were only granted citizenship after fighting a war that torn the US apart .Seems to me these people have a bone to pick also but, I don't hear them planning to run " Whitey" out of town on a rail with tar and feathers .Or burn their churches or their Bibles .Oh yeah , that was the White man that did those things to them, huh ?

  4. Hi OTE, I just stopped by to say, Ramadan Kareem sis.

    I agree, the burden should not be on Muslims because all Muslims do not fall under the terrorist unbrella, and I assume the person who says this remebers only certain parts of history.


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