Tuesday, September 7, 2010

One Year Older Now

It was my birthday yesterday .I am a whole year older , a entire year .... OMG ! Birthdays normally are a good thing with me . I enjoy them . I never felt the need to lie about my age as some people  will do . I looked forward to my birthdays as a general rule , but not this year .This year makes me just one year away from being labeled a " Senior Citizen " . A senior citizen .... how in the world did this happen to me ???

I can remember all the way back to waiting for my 21st birthday and all it's rich rewards that would be mine once I was a legal age .For years I counted the minutes until that birthday .Then there was the year I turned 28. Moe bought me my 1st car . What a present that was and how much fun I had learning the freedom a car brings one . My 35th birthday was celebrated a entire month .What a time that was !!! 45 was a good one too , because I lived and had survived death .

Yes , I have had many wonderful birthdays . This year was fun too . Khadijateri came over this evening with one of her daughters . We had so much fun laughing and talking . She gave me a fantastic birthday present ... she got YouTube back on my computer for me . Yeah !!! Moe was so sweet today too . I had many well wishes from friends and family on Facebook and cards in the mail .Maybe getting older isn't such a bad thing after all . Thank you everyone ! OTE


  1. Glad you had a happy birthday. I hope you enjoy many many more! and next year you get to apply for social security - :)

  2. You stinker !I think you have to be at LEAST 63 before you can get SS. LOL !

  3. You were not a whole year older - you were only one day older. Glad you had a great day. My g/f started collecting SS when she was 61.


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