Thursday, October 7, 2010

Continuous Chest Compression CPR And Moe's Update

Moe has had some ISSUES with his heart lately . We have seen several heart specialist at the Tajura Heart Hospital in the past several weeks . They have put him on new meds . So far they haven't been too sucsesful .He still experiences pain in his chest at the oddest times .This is making me a nervous wreck . I can't stand to see anyone suffer in pain .But we are being patient and waiting to see if the meds will eventually work . In the mean time , I have been thinking a lot about the ' what if " thing , like "what if he has a heart attack and I am all alone with him " , what would I do ? There isn't a 911 number you can call for help in Libya . And forget about calling for a ambulance to come help you . So , when a friend sent me this video , I said to myself ... " Shazam !This is what I need to do, IF the IF FACTOR comes into play ." You should watch it too . you never know when it might come in handy .And P.S. ..... the darn spell check refuses to work ... again . I really wish google would fix that !

Continuous Chest Compression CPR—University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center 



  1. Have you considered bringing him to the states? It would scare me to death with no 911 search and rescue procedure in place.

  2. Salam On The Edge,
    Sorry to hear this news about Moe. I do hope all improves rather than the opposite. Hope the meds kick and they can do something to help. Keeping you both in my thoughts.

  3. I hope your hubby's health problem gets better. CPR is always useful. Thanks for sharing the information.

  4. Thanks Ibeebarbie ! It ls a day to day thing with him , so far .

  5. Thank you Salma ! We are working on it , lol .

  6. Dear Amiragabrielle, Yes it would be nice if we could go to the USA to get tis resolved once and for all . It would probably take a week and he would be all better BUT ......
    1st he would need a new Libyan passport . There aren't any to be had here in Libya right now ...

    UNLESS you have influence with someone to get you one .

    Then he would have to go through endless red tape from the USA to get his visa ... even though we have lived there and he has had 2 green cards in the past .

    Then we would need a small fortune to buy tickets to fly there .

    THEN we would need an even lager fortune to pay for all the doctors , tests , hospitals ( no insurance),and meds .

    So , yes we thought about it but decided we had to do what we can from here .


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