Friday, October 22, 2010


Van Morrison sang it so well ... " it's a marvelous night for a moondance under October skies ". Under a full moon makes it even better ! Love this song !!! Go dance in the moon light and enjoy !


  1. i always liked that song

  2. Hmmm - well it was a tad on the chilly side for danci'n in the moonlight here in beautiful Fort McMurray - woke up to snow Saturday morning - so no moon to see - and much too cold for being outside to dance in the nonexistent moonlit.

  3. See , if you came back home , you wouldn't have all those pesky problems and could see the moonlight and dance your little feet off !

  4. I love this song too Chris ! I have it in my car and sing it all the time . I get some strange looks when I do and the windows are open , lol . But what the hey , right ? It is such a sexy song and so romantic .


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