Wednesday, September 21, 2011


What was I thinking ????

Recently we had a visitor who was talking to Moe about a new political party being formed here in Libya. He was terribly excited by the process. He said he knew this one and he knew that one . That they were on the NTC ( National Transitional Council) now and would be members of this new political party. I didn't hear the name of the party ,so don't ask me what it was ,when he told  Moe. I then told him about the petition being drawn up for Libyan women asking for their rights in the new Libya . He just ignored me . He is married with 2 daughters , one foreign daughter in law, and 4 grand daughters. I thought he would like to pass the message on to them.

I then asked him would he please speak to one or more of them for me about my group to help raise awareness of our situation as Foreign Spouses of  Libyans and our great need for rights here in Libya.He looked at me like I was insane . He thought for a second or two before he replied to my request. He then practically shouted at me saying that, " THE MEN IN LIBYA NEEDED THEIR RIGHTS FIRST ". Before women and a bunch of foreigners is what he meant to say  but didn't , at least that is the way I interpreted it . Stupid me !!! WHAT WAS I THINKING ??? Women having rights in Libya ? I sincerely hope the other men in his new party don't feel the way he does. The more things change , the more they stay the same it seems.Sigh!

This song " De Do Do Do,De Da Da Da Da"  by The Police has  several verses which I feels is relevant to Libyan politics right now . What do you think?

Poets, priests and politicians
Have words to thank for their positions
Words that scream for your submission
And no one’s jamming their transmission
’cos when their eloquence escapes you
Their logic ties you up and rapes you

De do do do, de da da da
Is all I want to say to you
De do do do, de da da da
Their innocence will pull me through
De do do do, de da da da
Is all I want to say to you
De do do do, de da da da
They’re meaningless and all that’s true.


  1. Well , just because one person said that , doesn't mean that they will not have rights . Also , LIBYAN WOMEN NEED THEIR RIGHTS FIRST!

  2. Although my comment has really nothing to do with your post, I am hoping that you can give me an answer to my question. At what age can the American born child of a Lybian father travel freely in and out of Lybia. Is it 18 or 21? What is the age of majority in Lybia? Thank you in advance for your response.

  3. To tell you the truth , I am not too certain about this ,BUT I believe it to be 21 years old; to both of your questions.

  4. Thanks for your answer. I had heard it was 18 in Lybia and 21 in Egypt.

  5. Dear Anonymous #1?.... I so totally agree with you ! Libyan women and the foreign women do need their rights BEFORE the men ... SINCE THEY HAVE SO MANY RIGHTS ALREADY that women don't have.I should have put the song on here that says , " You gotta fight , for your rights " ! LOL! Woman power forever !!! Without us , what would men do since they can't multitask ? Ha ha !

  6. Anonymous #2 ? ... Moe said that for a female Libyan , regardless of the age , she must have her male guardians( her father or brother , who ever is legally responsible for her .. OR her husbands) permission to travel and/or leave the country.

  7. Thank you for your response. The reason I ask is because I have a 16year-old-son whose father is Lybian. We have never been to Lybia. In the event that he should decide to visit, I want to know what my rights are as his mother.

  8. Your rights as foreign mother here in Libya is practically nil.My daughter has organized a new group for women like us asking the NTC for equal rights as spouses of Libyans, but even if you are no longer married this group , if we get our petition signed and put into law here in Libya will help and effect you . here is the FB link. Check it out and if you want to join us , welcome.

  9. Thank you for the info about your group. It sounds like an excellent idea. I wish you luck with it. Is there any way I can join anonymously?

  10. You can go to this link :

    It is the groups private closed page and join. Only members can see other members names on this page . That is as private as it gets. Ask to join.Also we have discussions on this page you can join or ask questions from other members . You might get the information you are seeking here.Good luck ! And thank you for your comments.

  11. Thanks again. I just asked to join the group. I already feel better knowing there is a place I can turn to with my questions and concerns. You are performing a very valuable service.

  12. Salam OTE,
    I suppose breaking through chrysalis of limited thinking, which is ultimately rooted in fear, will require patience and skillful precision. I have no doubt women, who have been known over the centuries to endure such injustices have both the patience and skill to make this change possible. Moreover, without any doubt in my mind, I know there are men that believe in this cause and will support the movement. I believe it’s all a matter of time. It’s an exciting time for Libya and for the world. Blessings to you always.


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