Friday, September 2, 2011

Congratulations For Eid Al Fitr 2011

        The most powerful weapon against evil is the power of prayer. Eid Mabrook to all . May your prayers be answered and Allah bless you with peace.


  1. Eid Mubarak and Kul Am wa entie be Khair! Happy Eid and May you have many years of blessings. Your writing is amazing. As I was reading your blog I was filled with a sense of admiration for your courage. I am looking forward to your book. Your writing is so much better than listening to a news reporter. You are actually experiencing the fear of the threat of the mercenaries and possible death. Thank GOD you survived and are able to write about your experience.

  2. I am embarrassed now.You make me sound like a saint. I am not brave , I think just stubborn.But thank you.

  3. Eid Mubarak OTE! Good to hear you and the family are safe and congratulations on a Free Libya!

    My salams to Mo!


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