Friday, September 30, 2011

No More" Wasta" Favoritism

Mohamed and I were out riding around in Tagura today talking about the new possibilities in the NEW LIBYA. He was saying that if a new policy was made and enforced that nepotism and "wasta" ( who you know) was thrown out the window , then with in one year or less , Libya would be fully functional ,at the very least we would have better drivers on the roads .

This evening I read a report from The Libyan Outreach Group on just this subject.I will post it here for you to read . See if you don't agree with the writes of this article from the Libyan Situation Report .

Situation Report:


Libya - September 28, 2011


Executive Summary

 Libya’s National Oil Corporation (NOC) employees protest outside offices in Tripoli saying they want a clean break from the past regime Article

Newly appointed staff from the NCO are being protested against as they are perceived to be unqualified for their positions. NOC employees are seeking new management, who lack the corrupt behaviors that were rewarded by the Gaddafi regime. Government employed an estimated 80% of the Libyan population and was known to be rife with corruption and bribery. "This is a new era, a new revolution. We paid a lot of blood. We are looking for a huge change," said Haifa Mohammed, who said she worked in the company's sustainable development department. The protesters carried banners saying: "We need a change of leadership to return to work." and "Yes to justice, no to favoritism." (Reuters)

These sentiments are widely felt across Libya as Libyans want to move forward by building a new and better Libya. One fear the people have is repeating the same behaviors and practices of the old regime. The people want a clean slate and do not want to endure hardships caused by corruption and nepotism. During the old regime people were often hired or appointed to position not on merit but because of family or social connection, resulting in many public workers holding positions they were ill qualified for and unable to manger properly. Other employees not showing up to work but still collecting paychecks reducing the amount of jobs available for qualified workers and building resentment from workers who are actually performing their jobs.

The ousting of Gaddafi opens the door for the adoption of clear and desired management best practices, transparent and informed decision making processes, and clear performance management and accountability procedures; ultimately instituting organizational and workplace behavior change within Libya. Libya needs an enterprise human capital management office, dedicated to transforming Libya’s workforce, during this critical time of transition, whereby the international community's transfer of knowledge and expertise will be at its zenith; and giving Libyans the opportunity to learn critical skills needed during this complex and challenging period in Libya’s history.
To contact The Libyan Outreach Group by email go here.
To read the rest of the report go here .

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