Friday, October 7, 2011

In A Rainbow

Today Moe and I went to the beach . We brought sandwiches to eat as we enjoyed the view.A storm (another one) blew in suddenly . Rain so thick we couldn't see the end of the car . Wind so strong it was rocking the car .The beach started to flood , so we drove away.We headed west , turning around back toward the east to go home. As we drove down the road a huge rainbow appeared low in the sky. Then another rainbow formed above the first , followed by yet another rainbow, high over the first two rainbows . Three rainbows , one on top of the other. I have never seen such a sight before . Too bad we didn't have a camera.

The most awesome thing occurred while driving home ..... we discovered we were inside the lowest rainbow. We were in the violet spectrum of the rainbow. The light was so clear .We felt like we were inside a room filled with a warmish  blue-white light. I know that sounds weird but it is true.I don't think we will forget that experience ever.

1 comment:

  1. Nice quick adventure... I think Winter got another taste this year!


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