Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Eid Mubarak !

This a new postage stamp issued by the U.S. postal services . It says Eid Mubarak .

This also is a Eid Greeting .

Wish all of you and your families a bountiful Eid filled with peace .
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  1. Wish you a happy and blessed Eid, enjoy it to the max :D

  2. Eid Mubarak to you and your family and I hope you have a joyous holiday :).


  3. Happpppppppppy Eid

    I m`out of my family serves now loOol.
    That desont` mean i am lazy,Nohhh
    But i was in the serves From Yeastrday till today..but now 5:00 Am..this is my Free Time..

    I m` feeling so tried and Sleepy,the weather was so suny + Cold and became lovely after 12 Am,it is cool to get out for BBQ.

    Please forgive me my friend if i Hurts You.wallhi i have good Hearted for everyone..Just Dont` Drive me to get NERVES>.

    Enjoy ur Eid Times With Family Or With Ur Friends.

  4. The stamps are pretty! I need to try to get some. Happy Ied. I miss you all and hope yuor day went well.

  5. Eid Mubarak ..!
    May Allah bless u

  6. Eid Mubarak to you and your family


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